Monday, October 13, 2014

I am...

Here we go--the first OFFICIAL post! Ready, set, GO!

 Hi! My name is Abby and I am a Stay-At-Home-Mom that doesn't really stay at home. Actually, days at home are precious. Between playdates, park outings, errands, church functions, working in childcare one morning a week at my church, going to the hubbys volleyball, basketball, and soccer games---we aren't home much. So, maybe I should call myself the Stay-and-Go-At-Home-Mom? Ok, if you have ideas for a better name than that...let me know!

The paragraph above is what I wrote just a couple days ago, and still rings true today. However, I have been thinking about how I introduce myself and the words I choose to describe myself. Yes, I am a stay at home momma, and I love it, I value it, and I see nothing wrong with introducing myself in this way. But, is it the first thing I want people to know about me? "Hi! My name is Abby and I stay at home with my two kiddos." Is that the most important thing? Is that what I value most? Do I value being a mother the most? Do I value having a husband and children more than I should?
And now to put it in real, no beating around the bush form: am I worshipping my family, instead of worshipping the God who gave me my family?
This is a touchy area for me. I love my family. I love my family and no matter how many times I tell them, other people, or write it on a blog post- it will never be enough. Nothing I could ever say would be an adequate way to express my love for my family.
But do I get so wrapped up in my spouse and my oh-so-cute babies that I forget I didn't really make this happen? God gifted these people to me. God used my body to craft these precious children. God knew Craig and I would be married and I believe He created us for each other. But it was God. It required a little from me- but again, God also created me.

Value. Worth. Identity.
Where do you find it?

It is easy to find your worth in your friends- until they gossip about you.
It is easy to find your worth in your education- until you get a bad grade, or a teacher says something negative about your work.
It is easy to find your worth in what you are good at ( athletics, crafting, cooking, teaching, homemaking,etc)- until someone one-ups you and is better than you.
It is easy to find your worth in your spouse- until you realize they aren't perfect, or *gulp* Jesus takes them home and you are left alone.
It is easy to find your worth in your financial status- until someone cheats you in your investments, or you get laid off.
It is easy to find your worth in your ministry- until it seems to fail and no one is accepting/supporting your ministry heart.
It is easy to find your worth in your children- until you see your sinful self shining through them and how nasty that is.

This is just a short list. All of the things mentioned above can be seen the other way too. Example, " It is easy to find your worth in not having friends, in being not extremely intelligent, in being single,  in being poor, etc."

As humans, we see so little. If something isn't smacking us in the face constantly- we tend to miss it. So, do not miss this.

I am a daughter of the King.

Deuteronomy 31:6, ""Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or tremble at them, for the LORD your God is the one who goes with you. He will not fail you or forsake you."

The LORD my GOD goes with me. He will not leave me-ever. That is where I want to find my value. In Someone who promises to never fail me, to never me.

Being a daughter of the King is where I "find myself". Because I am a daughter of the King- I know that one day, I will be in heaven celebrating with Christ.  This world, everything I have, everything I am good at, everything I work for will be stripped away and I will be left with nothing. Nothing, except the gift of Salvation, which I have accepted and therefore-- I am saved-- by believing in this precious gift by an Almighty God.

*Note- do NOT get hung up on this in the way that we aren't supposed to strive for excellence, finish the race, do our best, get married, have children, make friends, etc. That's another post for another time.*

So, my challenge to you is this:

Think about what you say when you are asked to introduce yourself. What do you value? And, are you valuing that more than Christ?

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